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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Older Pet Insurance: When Most Pets Need Insurance The Most
When searching for pet insurance for your best friend, it can sometimes be hard to find a company if your pet is older. Older pets require more veterinary care, on average, and some companies don’t want to carry the risk. However, there are companies that specialize in older pet insurance. These companies know that even older pets need love and care and they are willing to provide the help you and your pet need. The premiums you pay for older pet insurance may be a little more than you’d find with normal pet insurance, but the cost is well worth it. You always want to have your pet covered in case the unthinkable happens. They can get sick, have limbs broken, or worse, and therefore, you want to make sure they’re covered by insurance, no matter how old they are.

Veterinary Care Is Expensive

As your pet ages, the likelihood that they’re need veterinary care increases. They could get sick, they could get heartworm or some other form of parasite, they could have legs broken, they could get hurt by other animals, or anything else. When that time comes, and you need to take them to the vet, you want to make sure they’re covered. No pet owner wants to hear that their pet requires thousands of dollars worth of vet care that they don’t have. That’s when some pet owners are faced with the possibility of either letting their pet live with their disability or having them put down. Having a pet put down is not a fun thought and it’s one of the worst thoughts for anyone who loves their pet. Therefore, no matter how old your pet is, you should have pet insurance to prevent any of these subjects from even coming up.

With older pet insurance, no matter what happens, you’ll be covered. Older pet insurance covers your pet for vet visits, surgery, medications, bone settings and more. That means that you’ll likely end up paying only a fraction of what you would pay if you weren’t covered. That’s good news for any pet owner, especially those on a fixed budget. Your pet has provided you with love and affection for many years. You should return that love and affection by providing your pet with older pet insurance. Ask your vet’s office if they recommend any companies that offer older pet insurance. Then, if the unthinkable does happen, you’ll have the peace of mind in knowing your older pet is covered, allowing them to provide more love and affection for years to come.
posted by Patty @ 3:51 AM  
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