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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Importance of Pet Life Insurance
We all love our pets and there is good reason for this. Pets provide a great deal of joy in our lives as they touch us in a way that is centered on a special connection and attachment. Pets are far more than mere property; they are beautiful and loving friends that are always there for their owners when their owners need a little reminder that they are loved. Of course, love goes both ways and owners must provide love and care for their pets. Granted, most owners realize this, but seem to be incredibly neglectful in the financial manners associated with a pet’s life. One such are that is commonly neglected is the need to take out a pet life insurance policy.

Understanding a Pet Life Insurance Policy

Ok, the words “pet life insurance” may make people a little confused. When someone hears the words “pet life insurance” they assume that such a policy would be similar to a ‘human’ life insurance policy. Let us straighten out the meaning of the term “pet life insurance” right here and now: No, you categorical will not collect a ton of money if your pet passes away! No, what this type of insurance refers to is the financial security and safety net provided to pet owners to cover medical and vet bills associated with a beloved pet’s illness.

Keeping Costs Under Control

While pets are a constant source of fun and good times, they are also an expense. While this may seem like a cold way of describing a pet, it is also an accurate description. After all, pets must be fed and taken care of and such care and feeding is going to cost money. If you wish to be a responsible owner, you must assume all financial responsibilities as well and as much as one would wish to ignore it, the fact remains that medical expenses may have to be dealt with as well. Needless to say, medical expenses can be quite lofty so taking a safety net policy would be a prudent move.

While we would all wish that our relationship with out pats would not be a tumultuous one, the reality is that sometimes unexpected problems arise. When these problems are that of a medical nature, then the severity of the situation becomes grave. If one is undercapitalized and can not afford the financial responsibilities associated with medical care, then results could be dire. As such, taking out a pet health insurance policy to circumvent such problems is advised.
posted by Patty @ 7:08 AM   0 comments
Pet Medical Insurance Is Really Worth It As It Ensures Your Pet Gets The Required Medical Help When Needed
Most people may not be too taken up with the idea of taking out pet medical insurance though your four-legged family members certainly deserve to have their needs well taken care of, and giving them the best medical care is just as important as the love and affection that you, as a pet owner, shower on them. People take out health insurance, home and car insurance; so, why not consider this option for them and get pet medical insurance as well?

Deserves The Best

Your pet is a loyal and lovable family member that deserves the best, and if some ailment, disease or illness were to befall them, you would find it extremely difficult paying the huge medical bills that would be a consequence. Taking out pet medical insurance will buffer you against heartbreak and financial distress, and taking out such a policy for your pet will also give you peace of mind knowing that, should something happen to your pet, you won’t have to worry about the medical expenses.

Often, a pet owner can be taken totally unawares and unprepared for any illness or other medical condition that can strike his or her pet down. Facing those mounting medical bills is indeed a difficult if not impossible task, and if it were not that you had planned ahead for just such an event, you would be hard pressed taking good care of your pet.

Before you consider pet medical insurance, you would need to decide on the type of cover that is available, and ascertain whether such coverage will include visits to the Vet for regular check-ups. You will also need to find out whether the pet medical insurance you are considering will cover for surgery as well as the pet’s stay in a hospital and if so, would it cover for total cost, or only a percentage.

In any case, with the number of pet insurance companies cropping up today, you have plenty of choice, and so you can take your time and check out a few before settling for one that meets your requirements the best. There are different pet medical insurance plans to choose from that cover the pet for different things such breeds, age and also certain exclusions. You should also go in for an insurance policy that covers for trips to the Vet, and also check for deductibles.

Also, you should realize that pets may have many of the problems that we humans also have including reacting to their diet, which means that you must take steps to ensure that your pet gets the proper dietary intake to ensure his or her good health and thus make it less likely that it will need medical help.

Keeping all these points in mind, you should go ahead and get pet medical insurance for your pet as it will be well worth it, and you won’t regret this step if properly taken.
posted by Patty @ 7:07 AM   1 comments
QuickCare Pet Insurance Makes Tails Wag
Families are being redefined. For the last hundred years, only humans were considered worthy of being called family. Now we live in a more enlightened age and realize that most of our family members make our skin crawl. The real members of the family that would do anything for you and are always great to be with are your pets. Pets deserve the best health care treatment they can get...arguably, more so than people.

Why Choose QuickCare Pet Insurance?

Pet health insurance is a relatively new field. It has been around only for about 30 years. So there are things you need to look for in the best health insurance for your pet. Unlike some other pet health insurance plans, QuickCare pet insurance for American or Canadian pets has coverage for senior dogs and cats. In fact, there is no upper age limit that will disqualify your pet from QuickCare Pet Health insurance. They also give you the choice of accident-only insurance and accident and illness pet health insurance. Some of QuickCare pet insurance polices for cats cover 100% expenses, instead of only part of the vet costs. For dogs, some policies will cover up to 70% of the vet costs.


QuickCare pet insurance also gives discounts to:

Mutli-pet homes.
Service dogs
Micro chipped pets (if they use 24PetWatch service)

Each pet gets only one discount. Some premiums will differ depending upon which state you live in. Sadly, you can’t get QuickCare pet insurance in Alaska.

Other Extras

Puppies and kittens as young as 2 months old can get coverage. There are separate plans for indoor cats (which is cheaper). And you do not have to pick from the list of vets they give you. You can still go to your regular veterinarian that you and your pet is used to.

You can get a quote, enroll and make claims online at your convenience. The claim forms are in PDF format, which work for PCs or Macs, which you download and print out. You and you vet need to fill out the forms. Then, you can fax or mail the forms to QuickCare pet insurance. Their average time for processing a claim is one business week.

You can also choose to pay your premiums annually or monthly. The monthly requires a $2.00 surcharge, though.

QuickCare pet insurance is itself insured (or underwritten, as they say in the insurance biz) by Praetorian Insurance in America and Lombard General insurance in Canada.
posted by Patty @ 7:03 AM   0 comments
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